Call Out for Audio Foundation Board Members 2023
Do you have a passion for audio art and want to be part of a small but powerful audio-focused creative community? Do you have or want to develop experience in governance? Would you bring a strong sense of community and engagement skills to our Board? Do you see Te Tiriti o Waitangi alignment as a vital touchstone to every creative institution’s future? Then please consider extending your expression of interest to join us on the Audio Foundation board.
Our work at the Audio Foundation lies at the intersection of music and contemporary arts. We aim to foster an energetic community supported by regular events, grassroots initiatives, and collaborations with other arts institutions. As the primary national organisation dedicated to audio art, The Audio Foundation is a precious member of the broader arts ecology in Aotearoa. Our priority is to present and support the diversity of Aotearoa/NZ practitioners whose practices explore relationships to experimental music and sound art. These practices also span the areas of contemporary art, performance, video and more.
The Audio Foundation’s diverse communities include established and emerging artists and musicians, arts and music educators, students, and people passionate about local, contemporary arts, music, dance and film. We specifically support groups who often find it challenging to find a platform for their work.
Below is an outline of the role. Please consider that the board member role is a voluntary position, and send a short bio telling us a bit about yourself and your engagement with the creative industries and governance.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Please submit your expression of interest by Thursday 21 September to:
For any enquiries please email the same address.
Audio Foundation Board 2023
Annie Bradley (Co-chair), Andrew McMillan (Co-chair), Cushla Donaldson, Alastair Pettitt
The Role of the Board
The board member role is a voluntary position that provides governance and support to ensure that all the cultural needs, policies, systems and processes are in place to enable the Audio Foundation to achieve its goals while being compliant, business-like and efficient.
The Board works to support the Audio Foundation and the sector through the following set of guiding principles:
• creative agency – we are maker and practice-centric, which implicitly includes seeing audiences as active participants in the work
• challenging – we challenge what is to open up what might be, what needs to be
• quality – we are focused on a high standard of creative practice, creative engagement and creative participation
• Te Ao Māori – we are committed to deepening engagement
• sustainability – we operate in a financially and environmentally sustainable way
• experimentation – we are open-ended and non-prescriptive to practices working with sound
• accessibility – physically, philosophically, conceptually
What we are looking for
We are seeking people who can help support the values of the Audio Foundation and look to expand our capabilities and expertise further. Skills could include experience in:
• Funding and revenue
• Partnerships and relationships
• Engagement with and understanding of Te Ao Māori
• Knowledge of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and institutional responsibility to the founding document of Aotearoa
• Strategic Communications
• Community engagement, inclusivity and accessibility
• Experience in governance
Commitment required
• The Audio Foundation Board is a voluntary position
• Commitment to 4 to 6 meetings (online or in person) per year
• Reading the board documents and material as required before meetings
• Engaging with and supporting the Audio Foundation with input in working groups and the Board as a whole
• Attending openings and events when possible
Philip Kelly, MUTED (2022)
Yukari Kaihori, Touching Time (2022)
Ana Garcia, My Way (2022)
Charlotte Parallel, Unstable Contacts (2022)