Melbourne multi-disciplinarian Brennan Meagan Olver brings their upbeat experimental-pop solo act to New Zealand for three North Island shows, including one at The Audio Foundation!
Over the last decade, Olver has produced an array of visual and sonic work out of Melbourne. During their tour, they will be performing in a variety of styles from various projects under the moniker Wet Kiss.
w/ support from
Vow Cave
Ragged Veins
Sunday 5 November @ Audio Foundation, doors open 6.30pm
$5 / $10 (unwaged / waged)
Sunday 5 Nov., 6.30pm @ Audio Foundation, Auckland
w. Vow Cave & Ducklingmonster
Wednesday 8 Nov, 8.00pm @ Golden Dawn, Auckland
w. Power Nap & Alexa Casino DJ
Thursday 9 Nov, 8.00pm @ Caroline
w. Strange Stains & Alexa Casino