Vitamin S presents 4 days and nights of instantmusicaction! Performers from around the globe and throughout Aotearoa come together for unique experiments in music and dance improvisation.
Friday 27 March 7pm at The Audio Foundation – $10 entry
Neil Feather (Baltimore) / Phil Dadson
Duo of invented instrument geniuses!
Viv Corringham (UK/USA)
Amazing vocal artist –
Julia Milsom (Chch)/ Hermione Johnson / Dan Beban (Wlgtn)- high energy dance with prepared piano/guitar duo
Peter Kolovos (USA)
Guitar maverick from Los Angeles
Paul Buckton / Reuben Derrick (Chch) / Reuben Jellyman (Wlgtn) / Rosie Langabeer (NZ/USA)
Quartet of North and South Island improvisers – Guitar/Saxophone/drums/
Power duo of Drummy and Roddy – Drums n Geetar
For more info see:
Thanks to CNZ