The Preauricular Pit: Monsterwitch / Egg and Prawn Jam / Undiscovered Moons of Saturn – 14/04/2022

TTPApril2022 - posterfinal

Audio Foundation’s monthly experimental electronic night returns… Featuring sights and sounds by a collection of occult beings…

Undiscovered Moons of Saturn
Space ritual ambient

Monster Witch
The surname duo of Ducklingmomnster and Psychick Witch! Guitars, beats, fuzz.

Egg and Prawn Jam
A big tasty comeback from duo Sean Martin-Buss and Eamon Edmundson-Wells

Thursday 14 April @ Whammy Backroom, doors open 8PM.
Tickets $10 on the door + presales from UTR

This gig will be operating under the COVID restriction guidelines and vaccination passports are required for entry. If you are experiencing any symptoms, a close contact or waiting on the results of a Covid-19 test – please stay home!