The Preauricular Pit: Old Dream of Symmetry (Berlin/NZ), Call Centre (Te Whanganui-a-Tara) and Timpani Decot – 13/07/2023

T H E   O L D   D R E A M   O F   S Y M M E T R Y
TODOS is the duo of Will Gresson (Tāmaki Makaurau, Aotearoa) and Felix-Florian Tödtloff (Berlin, Germany). Together they play psychedelic ambient soundscapes inspired by their shared love of 70s German kosmische pioneers and lo-fi New Zealand experimentalists. Active since 2016 the band has released two EPs and the full length ‘Interdigitate.’ Their new EP ‘Drift’ was released by Weak Industries in March 2023.
C A L L   C E N T R E
Call Centre is a four piece post-rock/ambient/electronic project based in Te Whanganui-a-Tara. They meld a range of 90s electric guitar genre influences with sample based composition.
T I M P A N I    D E C O T
Nouveau electronic ambient with entrancing vocals
Thursday 13 July
Audio Foundation
Doors 8PM
$10 on the door, $8 presales + Booking Fee from UTR, or free if you’re an Audio Foundation member
more info on becoming a member here