He would always stroll
past the concrete wall
wearing a red shirt
as if on holiday.
The Floral Clocks (Richard von Sturmer and Gabriel White) present Postcard Stories – a unique performance featuring a series of wonderfully intriguing postcards projected on stage and accompanied by songs, poems and stories.
The Floral Clocks are a duo comprised of artist, poet, musician & film-maker Richard von Sturmer and performer, writer and filmmaker Gabriel White, both of whom have had legendary careers in New Zealand.
Gabriel White has concentrated for the past decade on exploring and remapping landscapes. He has a particular interest in working with verbal material in the form of oral histories such Stories of Tāmaki (2010) and The Unplanned Masterpiece (2009), or in more playful and poetic works like The World Blank series (2001-2010). Richard von Sturmer began his career at the front of punk/art band The Plague, before continuing with The Humanimals and later Avante Garde and wrote the lyrics for Blam Blam Blam’s iconic anti-Muldoon anthem ‘There Is No Depression In New Zealand’.
von Sturmer and White be been working together as The Floral Clocks since 2014, with von Sturmer writing lyrics to which White sets to music. Their sophomore album A Beautiful Shade of Blue was released in May 2017 to critical acclaim.
Saturday 26 May @ Audio Foundation, doors open 8.00pm