Otis Mace, Rosie & Jim Langabeer w/ Chris O’Connor, Hermione Johnson & Pat Kraus (Feeding Frenzy Fridays) – 13/02/15

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Otis Mace

“So Much Water So Close To Home” a song by Paul Kelly will be cut up to join improvised sonic sections

Otis Mace,vocals, electric guitar,loop,analogue delay, mics.
John Segovia,lap steel, various effects.
Duration: 20 minutes to 45 minutes


Rosie Langabeer is an award wining composer, experimental musician and instigator with a taste for things that teeter on the intersection of the serious and the absurd. Langabeer composes regularly for theatre, dance and musical ensembles of various sizes and has performed extensively in NZ and internationally throughout the USA (2010 – 2013), the UK (2013), Mexico City (2010) and France (2005).



Hermione Johnson & Pat Kraus 

“Playing together side by side on the same keyboard. Like ebony and ivory.”


Friday 13 February, 8pm start


Feeding Frenzy Fridays – AF Experimental Variety Show!

Every Friday 8pm

Koha entry

Let us know if you wanna play at an AF Friday! admin@audiofoundation.org.nz