Inverted rock postures in response to Flesh For Fantasy, and exhibition by P Wits running 21 June – 7 July at Audio Foundation.
“The rock idols of the late fifties and sixties provided a new kind of pinup, based on different fantasies; fans were both male and female. Clearly one element in the appeal, particularly on the rough tougher bands is the way they arouse then deny fantasies about the naked male body. When Presley first appeared in American Television the famous pelvis was censored and audiences were allowed to see nothing below the waist. Many rock stars flaunt their bisexuality; but their clothes, their movements on stage, and publicity photographs (for example, the Rolling Stones’ cover with its closeup of a zipper), all like Mick Jagger move in a way that resembles nothing so much as the stripper’s bump and grind; and he plays the old stripper routine of hinting that extraordinary things might be revealed. P J Proby’s following was vastly increased when he split his skin tight trousers on stage, and Jim Morrison was arrested when he got carried away and actually exposed his penis. In fact, he was simply taking his act to its logical conclusion. Both women and men are invited to identify with the aggressive contemptuous masculinity. But hard rock – hard core rock, if you like – is also cock rock”
– Margaret Walters, The Nude Male (Paddington Press, 1978)
Monsterwitch is comprised of Ducklingmonster on electronic and P Wits on guitar.
Thursday 29 June, 7PM
Audio Foundation