The Musical Electronics Library is happy to announce that we are running a sampling workshop hosted by none other than sample-mangler and electronic music extraordinaires Kraus and HASJI!
This workshop will cover the basics of sampling including recording audio into samplers, editing, and manipulation techniques. All samples made during the workshop will be added to the newly minted MEL sample collection, a growing online resource of experimental samples freely available for download through AF Records (https://audiofoundation.bandcamp.com/).
Free! Koha is appreciated and goes towards the ongoing maintenance of the collection.
Please RSVP to mel@audiofoundation.org.nz, through the instagram page, through the facebook page, or come by the library and let us know you are coming
Equipment and other info If possible please BYO laptop and audio interface. If you don’t have a laptop or an audio interface we have a few spares so let us know.
Sunday the 8th of October, Audio Foundation 12-4pm