Kauri Choir Call #2 – 29/01/15


KAURI CHOIR CALL#2. . . more singers wanted, in particular, more fellas of the tree loving variety – singers with enthusiasm, confidence and shared concern for the Kauri and the future.

Our most revered and iconic native is under siege from the deadly ‘dieback’ pathogen, a disease that has already targeted and devastated some areas of forest in Auckland and neighboring regions. Affected trees bleed at the base and slowly die from the top down. At this stage there is no known cure other than prevention. (For more information see : Keep Kauri Standing website http://www.kauridieback.co.nz/ )

Dieback and all that it stands for is a potent signal to all issues of urgency that currently face nature and humanity. But all is not doom and gloom. Far from it! Did you know, e.g., that of all organic life on the planet, the Kauri is one of the best absorbers of carbon. A meeting and group audition, to further outline the Kauri Choir project will be held at Audio Foundation, 6pm on Thursday evening, January 29th for approximately 90 minutes. (AF is in the basement of the Parisian Tie and Belt factory, off Poynton Tce, off Pitt St). All interested singers welcome.

Additional details FYI:

*outcomes will be performed in forest locations and video documented for both exhibition and live performance contributions to a Kauri exhibition scheduled at Te Uru, West Auckland, during Auck’ Festival March ’15.

*musical style will be essentially harmonic with composed, improvised & workshop’d material.

*rehearsals & performances through February, early March.dates/times tbc (A sonicsfromscratch project : facilitator, Phil Dadson).