AMBIENT TELEVISION No.1 – 04/05/2022

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Ambient Television No.1


Ambient Television is a series of artist video screenings organised by Theo Macdonald and The Audio Foundation. The project stems from a desire to see broader opportunities for video artists to exhibit and an awareness that not all video practices are suited to the (currently) dominant looping installation model.

Each screening presents four to ten short video pieces for a seated audience. For the first screening, specific artists were approached and invited to show recent work. For the July, September, and December screenings, work by invited artists will be interspersed with pieces sourced through a rolling submission process, details of which are included below.

The first screening contains videos by Li-Ming Hu, Bena Jackson, Theo Macdonald, Louise Menzies, Rachel O’Neill, and Daphne Simons & Josie Perry. In their diversity of tone and subject, these works coalesce around themes of appropriation, media ecology, DIY aesthetics, and humour. It’s going to be a fun time!


Wednesday 4 May @ Audio Foundation
Doors open 6pm, screening begins at 6.15pm sharp


Submission Guidelines

Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis. To submit, please email a YouTube or Vimeo link to tfm114 (at) gmail (dot) com, accompanied by a three-sentence description of the work and a three-sentence artist biography. Please note that submitted works longer than twelve minutes will be automatically disqualified. Preference will be given to artists residing in or connected to Aotearoa. The authors of screened works will be provided with a small honorarium as thanks.