SONIC.LAND: a field recording project

REUBEN : GEOFF thumbnail
RAHCEL thumbnail
EDWINA thumbnail
CLINTON thumbnail
AF WEBSITEREUBEN : GEOFF thumbnailRAHCEL thumbnailEDWINA thumbnailCLINTON thumbnail

SONIC.LAND: a field recording project


SONIC.LAND shares new artwork by Rachel Shearer, Clinton Watkins, Edwina Stevens and Reuben Derrick.

This project was conceived in 2019 and was intended to feature as part of the 2020 exhibition programme at BLINDSIDE Gallery, Naarm – Melbourne. Here staid models for environmental listening and recording are rejected in favour of pluralistic, subjective encounters. Attendance, spontaneity, reflection and deep engagement with the environment are presented and celebrated as ends in themselves, as well as modalities for developing meaning and understanding in relation to the world around us.

Through a presentation of sonic artworks and a series of long-from interviews between the artists and curator, explores the individual strategies and thought processes of leading NZ sound artists as they relate to the environmental recording and associated practices in Aotearoa – New Zealand.


The project can be viewed at