Night 2 (Sat) 35mm-20
donation directions
Night 2 (Sat) 35mm-20donation directions

Your donations enable us to keep playing a vital role in the support of artists, musicians and audiences engaging with Sound and Sonics in Aotearoa.

To become a member subscribe to pay a monthly fee of $20 or a yearly donation of $240, you’re welcome to add a little extra, but these are the minimums to sign up. Members will get free entry into a couple shows from our Performance programme series each month, a welcome pack with AF goodies, discounted tickets to international acts and festivals, and more.

If you would like to become a member of The Audio Foundation please click on our Koha kettle, make sure you add a note on paypal saying your donation is for AF membership with your name and postal address. You can also donate directly to our bank account 38 9010 0089636 00 and email us to sign up at


Donating to the Audio Foundation helps us to continue running events, exhibitions and workshops in the community.

Thank you for your generous support!