Zombi Piano: A night of undead electronic music!
In zombie films the undead creatures are often animated by an inorganic force-field such as radiation, electricity, or mystery rays from space.
Likewise, synthesizers create sound not through the vibrations of a real acoustic body, but via the influence of ghostly electronic waves, emanating from a series of opaque and obscure boxes.
Zombi Piano presents four acts exploring the wastelands and zombie-infested tropical islands of electronic sound.
Totems: Auckland musician/producer Reuben Winter (Caroles, milk, PHF) is mostly know for his work as a bassline magician and breakbeat technician under the name Totems. However he has also worked in the fields of texture generation and non-binaural drug experience simulation.
There will still be bass.
Cave Circles: Wellington musician Riki Gooch (Orchestra of Spheres, Trinity Roots) conjures brain-eating techno from a mysterious silver box.
Slitopia: a symbiotic duo of improvised electronic noise, Slitopia soundtrack a liberated future beyond the apocalypse.
Kraus: Auckland psychedelic guitarist/synthesist gets lost in a jungle of analogue circuits.
Friday 24 May @ Audio Foundation, doors open 8:30pm