It is producing radio stuff that is hard to describe. Some of it can be labeled radio art, or experimental radio, or creative radio. Sometimes it talks, sometimes it doesn’t. It can be noisy, or a kind of soundscape, or a documentary, a document, a talk, a performance. – Radia.fm
In association with international radio-art network, Radia.fm, Radio One’s Avant Gardening Radio One, and Artbank on bFM, Audio Foundation now invites expressions of interest and/or the submission of audible work no longer than 7min for bi-weekly presentation on bFM’s Sunday arts show, Artbank.
Submissions need not adhere to any specific theme, however preference will be given to works which attend to the various histories of radio, or engage it as a medium for artistic creation/presentation. It is helpful if submissions and expressions are accompanied by a brief description, a short artist-bio, and links to past work.
Please refer to the links below for more information about Artbank, radia.fm, and Audio Foundation.
• http://www.radia.fm/?page_id=2
• http://95bfm.com/shows/artbankers/
• http://www.audiofoundation.org.nz/about
Works and expressions of interest can be made
• digitally via http://wetransfer.com to sam@audiofoundaiton.org.nz
• physically by dropping CDRs or USBs at the Audio Foundation, 12 – 4pm, Tuesday – Saturday
• or by mail to PO Box 68518, Newton, Auckland, 1145
CLOSES Tuesday 10 May, 12.00am