ToBe Contined… – 24/03/2017

af web

We are very happy to once again be involved in ToBe Continued, an original concert lasting 24 hours (from 00.00 hours to the midnight of March 24th, GMT+1), during which musicians from many parts of the World will be connected to a website that will broadcast their concerts. During this un-interrupted 24 hour marathon (ToBe Continued… in fact) each musician has a 30-minute window, thus creating a relay of sounds and rhythms that will range from the different streams of the “new music”.

The event, that will cover the 24th of March, World TB Day, in its entirety, is coordinated by Antonio Della Marina, musician and computer music composer, and by Moreno Miorelli, artistic director of the annual gathering “Stazione di Topolò/Postaja Topolove”. The whole initiative is under the aegis of the Global Health Incubator, the ‘laboratory’ established in July 2009 in Topolò to create links between the world of creativity and that of science.

We will be streaming this event during office hours.

Aotearoa / New Zealand participants include Motoko Kikkawa, who will perform from Dunedin, and Charlotte Parallel, who will preform in duo with Jon He from Singapore.

For more information, please see:

Friday 24 March @ Audio Foundation Office, 12-4pm.