This Sporting Life, a souped up extension of Alms For Children – Auckland city boys with a cut down amped up sound – left their mark with a landmark indie single and minor chart hit on the truly independent REM Records in August 1981.
More info about this renowned post-punk outfit can be found at Audio Culture.
This show is one in a short series This Life are playing in March but will be a special one with original AFC and Sporting Lifer Paul Fogarty also joining from the UK for some guitar duties. The shows are being recorded for a forthcoming album of studio and live work and a documentary film.
This Life is thrilled that we will be joined by Jed Town playing Fetus, a project which, as Fetus Productions contributed significantly to the sonic landscape of New Zealand. In contrast to the sensory assault of a typical early Fetus performance, Town’s work is now more meditative, embedding the detail of everyday experiences are the rhythms of life through sonic and visual means.
The Stridulators are a group that gets talked about by many but seen by relatively few. Following the unexpected exhumation of their awesome “The Inside Track” by Russell Brown a couple of years ago and the urging of a few people with long memories, Chris Burt and Steve Roach decided 35 years was a long enough hiatus. Quoting Russell on their ’84 single release “… rather than reaching back for a lost rock ‘n’ roll essence, this haunting, surging creation of layered drums, synthesisers, guitars and vocals seems to be pushing forward for something new.” The same is true today and The Stridulators will be a sonic treat not to miss.
Friday 15 March @ The Audio Foundation, doors open 8pm
Presale tickets available from www.UnderTheRadar.co.nz