Audio Foundation is pleased to present..
Improvising pianist Stephen Grew (U.K)
Stephen Grew is one of Europe’s most dedicated and imaginative pianists…Stephen’s playing – free from the constraints of traditional harmonic, melodic and rhythmic structures – is a virtuoso tour – de – force of dynamic extremes, percussive effects and spontaneous atonal flourishes, by turn surprising, witty and breathtaking!’ – Steve Mead M.J.F
Stephen Grew’s music is completely improvised and is the culmination of an intensive program of playing and recording since the 1980’s. He has been consistently touring nationally and internationally as a soloist and in group situations since 1994 and has performed and recorded with the likes of Evan Parker, Keith Tippett, Howard Riley, Trevor Watts, Pat Thomas, and in the groups Grew Trio, Grew Quartet and Grutronic, Watts & Grew Duo.
The sublime vocal, electronic & Taonga Puoro trio of Allana Goldsmith, Parks & Larsen Taylor
Presales $15 from UTR
Door sales $20
Members $10 on the door