Peach Tree – Commemorating Blair Peach with Inda Yansané, Matthew Lee Knowles, Parks, Ducklingmonster, True Bliss Experience – 23/04/2024

Peach Tree Gig

Audio Foundation is pleased to host an evening of experimental performances to mark the 45th anniversary of the events which led to the death of Blair Peach.

Curated by Inda Yansané and featuring performances by Ducklingmonster, Parks, The True Bliss Experience and Matthew Lee Knowles (U.K – virtual) in collaboration with Yansané, the evening commemorates Blair Peach – a New Zealand teacher who was killed during an anti-racism demonstration in Southall, London, England.

Tuesday 23 April, 7pm @ Audio Foundation
Entry by donation

‘[…] the contrast between the prosecutions of private citizens and the impunity of policemen who were at least equally violent has done great damage to faith in English justice. We hope, most strongly, that at least some forceful disciplinary action will yet be taken. We hope, too, that there is at any rate an understanding in the Home Office and in the Metropolitan Police force how disastrous and how unnecessary was the disturbance at Southall, and a firm intention not to repeat the mistakes that caused it. But, even if these exist, we deplore the policy of keeping that understanding and that intention from the public, when a sincere expression of them would of itself be a potent means of undoing some of the harm that has been done […]’

The Death of Blair Peach –
Supplementary Report of the Unofficial Committee of Enquiry