Join us at the Musical Electronics Library for an Office Ambience with visiting German sound artist Florian Zwissler.
Florian will present his unique instruments and approaches to analogue synths and modified electronics.
Florian Zwissler (b. 1976) works as a composer, musician and teacher. He studied musicology, linguistics and philosophy (at universities in Tuebingen and Cologne) and electronic composition (at Folkwang-Hochschule Essen). His work comprises of compositions of electronic and instrumental music as well as live, solo performances of electronic music. He has also appeared with ensembles in Europe, America, Africa and Asia. Since 2010, he has been teaching music technology/synthesis and musicology at various universities and conservatories in Germany. Currently, Florian Zwissler is working as a research assistant at the Musicological Institute of the Dresden University of Technology.