Please join us for a presentation by Italian sound artist and researcher, Leandro Pisano.
The talk, titled The Third Soundscape, calls for a creative re-discovery of contemporary spaces through sound and listening. For Pisano, to listen is to be present in place in a way which allows for gradual, individualised experimentation. By attending to the sounds around us, Pisano suggests we are able to “decolonize our gaze and reveal geographies and spaces which are hidden in the surface of modernistic maps”.
The Third Soundscape examines several strategies for listening developed by Pisano over the course of several projects, each of which were designed to explore and make sense of abandoned and rural places sidelined by late-capitalist society. Departing from Pisano’s projects and theories, The Third Soundscape will focus on how certain strategies and modes of listening can create the opportunity for new aesthetic experiences of such spaces to occur.
Saturday 20 July @ Audio Foundation, 2pm
About Leandro Pisano:
Leandro Pisano is a curator, writer and independent researcher working at the intersection of art, sound and technoculture. The specific area of his research deals with political ecology of rural, marginal and remote territories.
In 2003, Pisano founded and directed the new arts festival, Interferenze. He frequently participates in projects on electronic and sound art, including Mediaterrae Vol.1 (2007), Barsento Mediascape (2013) and Liminaria (2014-18), and curates exhibitions including, “Otros sonidos, otros paisajes” (MACRO Museum – Rome, Italy, 2017) and “Alteridades de lo invisible” (Festival Tsonami, Valparaíso, Chile, 2018).
He has conducted presentations, conferences and workshops at a number of universities on topics including new media aesthetics, design, sound and territorial regeneration processes, and is the author of “Nuove geografie del suono. Spazi e territori nell’epoca postdigitale”, published in Milan by Meltemi (2017).
Website: www.leandropisano.it