Ducklingmonster ‘I know……a…way…’ Album Release Show – 26/07/2024

26th poster-4 (2)

‘I know….a….way’ is the first solo LP by Ducklingmonster aka Beth Dawson. Created during her 2023 Winter Residency at Tāmaki Makaurau’s Audio Foundation, ‘I know….a….way’ weaves a disembodied playfulness – building its own environments through the materiality of creation.

Utilising a combination of scratched 45 records, broken beats emanating from a JVC boombox, field recordings of crashing oceans and Karangahape footpaths, electronic and vocal textures laid into walls of sonics – ‘I know….a….way’ revels in the forgotten, neglected and overlooked. This collage of damaged sounds shines a light on lost passages of real time and space.

We’ll be celebrating the release of this vinyl creature into the world on Friday 26th July with Ducklingmonster, Paradox Princess and Pumice. Bring $50 to pick up a new pet for your record player. Each vinyl comes with a risographed animation frame from Ducklingmonster’s ‘Run Into Waves’ music video and a digital download code.

We’re also celebrating the Stabbies etc. Label’s new G Frenzy Release!

The dunt loop under a hive of low lying electronics poster-4 (2)

Iconoclastic pop music

High octane experimental rap

8PM, Friday 26 July @ The Audio Foundation
Presales $15 from undertheradar
or $20 on the door
AF Members $10 on the door