The Audio Foundation is pleased to announce a New Zealand tour for Evgeny Saryglar, one of the world masters of the Tuvan throat singing style Khöömei and Tuva’s leading Igil player – a two-stringed horse hair lute.
Evgeny Saryglar is a folk singer who began throat singing as an 11-year-old, herding animals with his grandfather in the summer pastures and winter valleys of his homeland. Later he studied with the great masters of throat singing and performed in New Zealand as a young man with the ensemble, Shu De. This tour is a unique and rare opportunity to see one of the world masters of Tuvan throat singing perform in Aotearoa.
Throat singing is one of the world’s oldest forms of music. In the vast, cold grasslands of Tuva between Siberia and Mongolia – the land of herding, wrestling, horse riding, archery and shamanism – throat singing or Khöömei has been part of the traditional way of life for centuries.
Tuvan throat singing is the soundscape of the nomadic herdsman’s realm – rushing waters, the harsh winds of the steppe, galloping horses, the deep growl of a camel, the trill and whistle of birdsong. It is both human mimicry of nature’s sounds and an integral part of the people’s close spiritual relationship with their natural world.
Khöömei is the art of singing two or more notes at a time by manipulating the muscles of the throat together with subtle movements of the lips, tongue, jaw and larynx.
Evgeny is now the laureate of throat singing in Tuva and a member of the Tuvan National Orchestra. He is a virtuoso of the Igil, a traditional two-stringed instrument. He is also a teacher, giving workshops on Tuvan throat singing and traditional instruments to students from all over the world.
With thanks to the Museum of the Everyday and the Tuva/NZ Friendly Relationship Society for their support in this tour.
Sunday 28 October
Snails, Palmerston North
Doors open 6.00pm
Presale tickets available from www.UnderTheRadar.co.nz