Film works by Peace Myth, Kristian Larson and H. G. Clouzot with live music and dance.
John Bell – percussion
Kristian Larson – micro-sound, movement
Peace Myth – electronic percussion
Ca ne fait rien les diaboliques. Ne soyez pas, ne detruissez pas l’interet que pourraient prendre vos amis a ce evenement. Ne leur racontez pas ce que vous avez ecoute et vu. Merci pour eux.
Avec John Bell, Kristian Larson et Peace Myth.
It does not do anything diabolical. Do not be distracted by the interest that your friends might have in this event. Do not tell them what you have listened to and seen. Thanks for them.
With John Bell, Kristian Larson and Peace Myth.
Saturday 8 December @ Audio Foundation, doors open 8pm