Works for Waves – an isolation broadcast project
It is producing radio stuff that is hard to describe. Some of it can be labeled radio art, or experimental radio, or creative radio. Sometimes it talks, sometimes it doesn’t. It can be noisy, or a kind of soundscape, or a documentary, a document, a talk, a performance. – Radia.fm
95bFM’s Artbank and The Audio Foundation are keen to encourage creative responses to the strange situation we’re experiencing. We want to know how artists, musicians and other creative people are doing during in these times of distancing and insolation, and are seeking new audio works (2 – 10min in length) for radio broadcast.
A Work for Waves could be experimental audio, sound art, documentary, interviews, a radio play, poetry, or comedy, or it could be something else. It is a opportunity to create an original work for radio, and to connect with others in isolation through broadcasting.
Selected works will be edited into a series of segments and broadcast between 10AM and 12PM on Artbank (95bFM’s Sunday arts show) and at a later date on AFM 88.3FM and online.
This project follows a initiative developed in 2016 in conjunction with Avantgardening on Radio One 91FM, and Radia.fm, the international Radio Art network.
Works and expressions of intent should be accompanied by a short description (max 200 words) and biography (max 150 words), and can be sent to The Audio Foundation via email at:
Submissions and expressions of intent should be completed 5 May, 12pm.